Our Co-ConspiratorsCo-conspirators in connecting folk educators, increasing awareness of folk education, and encouraging the growth of folk education programs. |
Grundtvigsk ForumGrundtvigsk Forum is an association based on the priest, poet and politician NFS Grundtvig. All members – regardless of who they are – are members because they are interested in learning more about and working with the view of the world that Grundtvig developed through his life in 19th-century Denmark, and which has influenced the country ever since. |
Association for Danish FolkhighschoolsA community of folk high school practitioners, researchers and promotors from all over the world to build relationships, learn about new ideas and sketch proposals for future action. |
Global Network for Folkhighschool ResearchersEstablished to develop greater interaction between academics and practitioners interested in empirical research on folk high school pedagogy. By initiating, implementing and advancing projects describing folk high schools in different geographical and cultural settings the network seeks to deepen the understanding of the folk high school movements' identity and practice. |
![]() | Global Bildung NetworkBetter Bildung. Better Future. We honestly believe in that: The world would be a wiser, safer, more friendly, sustainable, and meaningful place with more bildung. It would also allow us to create a metamodern future that unites the best from the past and the present. |