kwinayɫ ɫəkLanguage Revitalization through Distance Delivery |
"Our goal is to hear the Quinault language throughout our communities on a daily basis." Language connects inextricably to identity and culture and the Quinault tribal membership extends far beyond those living in and around the tribal lands. The kwinayɫ ɫək Language Revitalization through Distance Delivery project provided instructors with a distance learning technology kit. This enhanced the effectiveness of class interactions in a distance delivery setting. Language instructors can now reach any tribal member connected to the internet. The project will be continuing its important work by completing the development of a Quinault Language App. Funding is needed to support the work of a freelance coder to put the finishing touches on the App. Please support this work by clicking the Donate link. |
The Mission of the Quinault Language Department is to revitalize the Quinault language. In an effort to realize this mission, the department staff conducts community outreach through family events and classroom learning opportunities. As with most education providers during the coronavirus pandemic, the Quinault language program is making the shift to online distance delivery methods. In the past, most language exposure and instruction occurred in a face to face community or classroom environment. This Fall and until further notice classes will be held virtually. |